2017 Vision Board Party – Virtual & Dallas

If you have never created a vision board, here is your chance to learn and be motivated. 

Vision Boards allow you to VISUALIZE your goals & manifest your destiny.

You can create a vision board for each year, quarter or whatever time frame you choose.  I typically create a new vision board each year. As you accomplish your goals, you may have new goals you would like to start manifesting, it’s simple.

Sunday December 18th at 7pm cst, join the live session on zoom and bring your materials to ask questions in this working vision board session.

The webinar video will be open for each person to chat and share their vision board.

This is a FREE event for ONLINE participants !!  Registration is required !!



If you are in Dallas and would like to join in person, there is a $10 charge. (Includes Vision Board Materials, Food & Drinks)
Tickets can be purchased here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vision-board-party-dallas-tickets-30121612554


Materials Needed:


Poster Board


Glue Stick

Old Magazines


*Any other items you would like to decorate your board*
I look forward to moivating you to work towards your future goals.


Angel Radcliffe

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